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Mother-Daughter Circle: Making Lifelong Connections with Your Teenager 

One of the deepest, most loving family relationships is between mother & daughter. But it can also be fraught with tension & conflict, especially when girls reach adolescence. You can use your spiritual nature as a common meeting ground where relationships can be transformed & healed with simple connections that will last a lifetime. By providing space for you to write down your feelings on a variety of topics, this book becomes a connection, a gift to your child, & a tribute to your love for her. Guides you to a greater understanding of the connections you & your daughter can make. By sharing intimate experiences, as well as insights & personal examples from other mothers & daughters, I hope to allow every mother to effortlessly create her own sacred circle.

Published in 2003 and illustrated by my daughter Julia.

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"The Mother Daughter Circle is a gift of guidance for having the conversations we all want to have with our daughters. The stories we share will become treasures and remind us that we really do love each other so deeply even when communciation is difficult. I wish this book was available when my Mother was alive. Ms Strauss made me realize the importance of sharing our mutual experiences. I will not miss that opportunity with my daughter."

Simone Woods

"Celia Straus writes beautifully, generously, and lovingly about building mother-daughter connections, but her book will be cherished by anyone who has a relationship worthy of nurturing.
Acceptance, creativity, truth, laughter, courage, and love--who wouldn't want those values in their relationships? For those of us willing to make the journey to better relationships, Celia's book shows the way."

Joanne NJ

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